Wednesdays 10:00 – 11:00am PT via Zoom
Combining Body-Mind Centering® and qi practice
Via Zoom
These are movement practices I’ve developed that combine Body-Mind Centering® with qi practice. I’ve been practicing tai qi and qi gong for 25 years, as companions to my BMC® embodiment practice. In fact, BMC® practice has permeated all my qi practices, and vice versa.
We work specifically with our embryological history in standing movement forms that offer space to explore. Early pre-birth movement patterns are the basis from which all our present movement happens.
Some somatic practice experience will be helpful, but isn’t necessary.
Please email me at rebecca@bodylearning.net if you are interested, and I will put you on the Zoom invitation list. You will receive an email about an hour before the class – when it’s time, click on the login link to join the class.
Payment is sliding scale via PayPal.
Shelter in the Body
Ongoing online classes
Mondays 10 – 11:30am PT, Thursdays 5:30 – 6:30pm PT via Zoom
These classes offer a chance to explore your inner awareness, listen to your body, to move, to sound and to draw from a somatic place. Classes are all based in Body-Mind Centering(R) and are open to people with all levels of experience.
If you are interested in joining, email Rebecca using the contact page to let her know, and she will put you on the invite list for the classes.
Payment is sliding scale via PayPal.
The Inner Life of Bone Part II – at ODC
Friday September 27 1 – 4pm 2019
$60 – Register
This workshop continues the exploration of movement qualities sourced deep in the bones. The mineral and fluid content of the bones respond to vibration and offer resonance. Embryological roots give us through-lines in the limbs and offer multiple spiraling pathways. The bones are always in relationship with muscles, organs, fluids, and other tissues. We’ll explore these dynamics through sensing and moving. What is a joint, and what happens when we invite agency in each bone so that joint action becomes more dynamic?
No previous experience is needed, other than a general movement background. The goal is to wake up our inner sense of bone and discover ways that bones can move us and be moved.
The Inner Life of Bone – at ODC
Friday August 16 1 – 4pm 2019
$60 – Register
This workshop offers a chance to discover a range of movement possibilities through sourcing deep in the bones. From embryological roots to different tissue layers of bone there are many ways to experience bone. The skeletal system contains minerals, blood, endocrine connections, and has its own skin. Each element provides a unique way to connect from bone to bone to bone. The system can offer both weight and lightness, is both direct and spiraling, is both crystalline and fluid. All of these qualities can be accessed for deeper and wider movement expression.
No previous experience is needed, other than a general movement background. The goal is to wake up our inner sense of bone and discover ways that bones can move us and be moved.
Rebecca Haseltine is a certified Infant Developmental Movement Educator, and is a certified teacher of Body-Mind Centering ®, with 25 years of experience working with children and adults. She was a performing dancer for many years and has a practice in bodywork and movement therapy. She brings a warm, supportive presence to her classes.
$60 – Register here
ODC Dance Commons
Kimi Okada, School Director
351 Shotwell Street, SF
Baby Moves
at ODC Dance Commons in San Francisco
*** We ran these classes for two years and are taking a break. Check back in or email to see when we might start up again. Thanks! ****
Moving is Learning; learn to move with your baby. Baby group for infants 0 – 12 months and their caregivers. Pregnant women welcome!
This class is for babies in their first year to meet, move freely, play and trade notes. It is also for moms and other caregivers to learn about baby development through observation and play – with guidance from a developmental specialist. You will learn ways to hold, carry and move with your baby so that you can both be at your best. Rebecca will offer milestones to watch for, tips for ways to support baby development, and suggestions for self-care.
Rebecca Haseltine is a certified Infant Developmental Movement Educator, and is a certified teacher of Body-Mind Centering ®, with 25 years of experience working with children and adults. She was a performing dancer for many years and has a practice in bodywork and movement therapy. She brings a warm, supportive presence to her classes.
Some toys and props will be available, and you can also bring your own. Every effort will be made to provide a safe and clean environment for all. Caregivers – please wear loose, stretchy, comfortable clothing that will allow you to be on the floor and roll around with your baby.
ODC Dance Commons
Kimi Okada, School Director
351 Shotwell Street, SF
Monthly workshops Fall 2016
Presented by Soja
Living in the Legs
Sundays 2 – 4 pm
September 18, October 9, November 6, December 4
Soja Members: $144 for the series of 4; or $45 drop in
Non-members: $160 for the series of 4; or $50 drop in
Our legs are holding us up and walking us around, but what is the inner life of the legs? This series of four workshops will explore the inner architecture, muscle and joint dynamics, early development and hidden support of the legs. Each class will have a specific focus and can be taken as a single, but the series taken as a whole will give the fullest overview of leg development, dynamic and health.
Class #1: Inner Architecture of the Legs
Class #2: Muscle and Reflex Dynamics of the Legs
Class #3: Early Development of the Legs
Class #4: Integration with the Whole Body
This work is helpful for anyone – regardless of your movement experience – and is applicable to a range of movement practices including yoga, dance, sports and martial arts. These classes can also help with rehabilitating injuries and strain.
No previous experience is necessary. Please wear soft, stretchy clothing that is comfortable for active movement.
Soja www.SojaMindBody.com
class will be held at the old location: 368 24th St., Oakland,
off of Broadway and near the 19th St. Bart Station.
NEW LOCATION ): 3015 San Pablo (@ Ashby) Berkeley – opening in January 2017
Monthly Workshops Spring/Summer 2016

photo by Rosie Dienhart BMCA conference 2014
Presented by Soja
Activate the Arms
with Rebecca Haseltine
Sundays 2 – 5 pm
May 1, May 29, June 26, and July 31
Soja Members: $160 for series of 4; or $50 drop in
Non-Members: $200 for series of 4; or $60 drop in
Rebecca Haseltine presents a series of four workshops delving into the origins, actions, and possibilities of the arms. Drawing on Body-Mind Centering® principles and other movement practices, Haseltine will guide movement explorations to help you unlock potential in your upper body.
The series will build from one workshop to the next. Each workshop will cover distinct material and can be taken alone, but the series taken as a whole will give you the fullest experience. Body-Mind Centering offers us a spectrum of resources all resident within the body. This can deepen any movement practice from yoga to sports to martial arts to dance. These classes can also help with rehabilitating injuries and repetitive strain.
Rebecca Haseltine has been teaching adults and children for over 25 years. She is a certified Teacher of Body-Mind Centering® – a comprehensive somatic discipline that teaches us awareness based in anatomy, physiology, and development. She has a practice called Body Learning – including gentle, healing bodywork and movement therapy for children with sensory processing needs – based in San Francisco.
No previous experience is necessary. Please wear soft, stretchy clothing that is comfortable for active movement.
Soja www.SojaMindBody.com
368 24th St. Oakland – through July
NEW LOCATION (Dates to be announced): 3015 San Pablo (@ Ashby) Berkeley
Fall 2014:
Rebound, Balance and Roll
This class is about responsiveness in movement. How do we transition? How do we change our tone? How do we build resilience? We will play with big physioballs, smaller gertie balls, stretchy bands, and gravity. We will work individually, in partners, and together as a group to engage inner resources for fluidity, ease, and lightness.
The reflexes are movement templates that underlie every movement we do. Building reflex tone can help you become more resilient in your responses, activate your liveliness, build your balance, and access fuller movement range.
Soja Martial Arts
Sunday Oct. 5 1- 3pm
368 24th St. Oakland, CA
near 19th St. Bart Station
$25 register here
Fall Classes 2013:
Inner Life
Exploring the Organs
with Rebecca Haseltine
8 Saturdays 2:00 – 4:00pm
October 19, 26 November 2, 23, 30 December 7, 14, 21 – 2013
(no class Nov. 9 & 16)
$200 series/ $30/class
The inner life of the internal organs underlies our daily life, our longevity, and our overall experience of health. Autumn is a good time to nurture this inner life. We will explore individual organs through awareness, perception, movement, inner movement, and stillness. Body-Mind Centering is an approach to awareness and embodiment that can be applied to any practice: yoga, marital arts, dance, sports, meditation, or climbing trees.
Sign up for the series: Register
Info about: The Yoga Loft
For more info about classes: rebecca@bodylearning.net
Summer Workshops 2013!
Body Learning presents
Balancing Tone
with Rebecca Haseltine
At the Yoga Loft in San Francisco 321 Divisidero St. between Oak and Page
June 29 and July 6 2 – 5 pm The Nervous System
July 27 and Aug 3 2 – 5 pm The Endocrine System
Sept 7 and Sept 14 2 – 5 pm The Muscles (New Dates)
Balance is ineffable, but balancing can be a daily practice. We will explore tone throughout our body and learn ways to balance tone. Through awareness exercises, movement and sound, embryological templates, and fluid dynamics we will learn about tonal balance within and between the body systems.
This series of workshops will be an introductory experiment in Body-Mind Centering® led by Rebecca Haseltine of Body Learning. Body-Mind Centering® is founded in the experience of cellular consciousness. What does this mean? Basically it means we’ll trust that our bodies have an inner life and that we can have access to that.
* Note Low Income rate below
Balancing Tone:
The Nervous System
with Organs and Fluids
June 29, 2 – 5 pm and July 6, 2 – 5 pm
$125 / $100 early bird registration before June 8*
register here
What is tone? What is nervous system tone? We think of nervous tension, but tone is more (or less) than that. The nervous system is a complex system with roots and branches throughout the body. We will tune into the senses, work with sensory/motor balance, and learn about autonomic balancing — through awareness exercises, playing with balls, and movement exploration.
Balancing Tone:
The Endocrine System
with Organs and Fluids
July 27, 2 – 5 pm and Aug 3, 2 – 5 pm
$125 / $100 early bird registration before July 6*
register here
The endocrine system is designed to balance itself. How do we know when we are out of balance? What are ways to invite a more healthy balance? What does ‘tone’ mean in the endocrine system? We will explore the glands (the chakras are an approximation of the endocrine glands) in awareness exercises, sound, movement, and drawing. Balancing is an active principle, and the endocrine system helps us organize ourselves in relation to a complex world.
Balancing Tone:
The Muscles
with Organs and Fluids
Sept 7, 2 – 5 pm and Sept 14, 2 – 5 pm
$125 / $100 early bird registration before Aug 3*
register here
Muscle tension gets our attention, but what is actually happening? What does it mean to have dynamic muscles that can flow with changing tone? What is organ tone? Fluid tone? How do we manage tension in our bodies not through temporary relaxation but by recognition and recruitment of inner resources? This course wraps up the series, tapping into multiple systems of the body for a holistic sense of dynamic balance.
*Low Income Rate: $80 per workshop – use the code LOFTSF
The Yoga Loft
321 Divisidero St.
Between Oak and Page
San Francisco
Wear comfortable clothes you can move in.
Rebecca Haseltine
is a certified teacher of Body-Mind Centering and has a private practice in bodywork and movement therapy in San Francisco. She teaches in BMC training programs and teaches Body Learning classes and workshops at the Yoga Loft. Contact her: rebecca@bodylearning.net
Classes at the Yoga Loft in 2013!
321 Divisidero @ Oak – San Francisco
January and February: Fridays 11am – 12noon $10/class
Anchoring into the Bones
For information about the class: rebecca@bodylearning.net or 415-385-2233
For information about the Yoga Loft: info@theloftsf.com or 415-625- LOFT (5638)
This series of winter classes will focus into our bones as deep resources for stability, integrity, form, balance, resonance, and clarity. The bones help us anchor into gravity, and thus into place – both the physical placement within our bodies and our placement on earth.
Free Intro Class November 14, 2012 7:30 – 8:30pm
the Yoga Loft, 321 Divisidero St.
The Jawbone — explore Body Learning and Body-Mind Centering
while you experience your anatomy and the
brilliance and expressiveness of bones
For information about the class: rebecca@bodylearning.net or 415-385-2233
For information about the Yoga Loft: info@theloftsf.com or 415-625- LOFT (5638)